Saturday Sessions: Still Life Drawing
Zoom Drawing class for teens ages 12 - 17
Service Description
Saturday Sessions are a monthly way for teens who enjoy art to get a taste of college art classes. Instruction and feedback is provided by university lecturers in a supportive and inclusive environment. This month, Saturday Sessions are on Zoom. The Still Life class runs from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 24 2022. This class focuses on the realistic rendering of 3-D objects in a 2-D space. We'll learn techniques like sighting and measuring, think about compositional choices, and play with line quality. We'll work from both images on the screen and objects in our own environments. Basic supplies you will need include a sketchbook (suggested size 11' x 14"), pencil, and eraser. You may supplement with other personal drawing favorites (colored pencil, ink pen, charcoal, etc.) The Zoom link will be sent to registered participants. Class will run with 1-6 students.
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