Q: I registered for a Wednesday Drink 'N' Draw event. Where is my Zoom link?
A: For Wednesday events, an email will go out with the Zoom link the morning of the event. (Check your spam folder!)
Q: I registered for a longer course. Where’s my Zoom link?
A: You should be getting a welcome email from theartlocal@gmail.com within a day or two of registering, letting you know when the link will go out for that specific class. Check your spam folder, and feel free to email us when in doubt.
Q: Do I need previous art experience to take your classes/workshops?
A: All you need is interest in learning and polishing your skills! Certain classes are for beginners while other students might benefit from an intermediate class -- read the class descriptions and feel free to ask us questions about a specific class.
Q: How do I pay for a class or workshop?
A: You can register for our multi-day classes on our courses page, with payment due in full due at time of registration. We accept major credit cards and PayPal. Registration is required to reserve a space in any class or workshop. Wednesday drop-in workshops are by donation. You can make a donation in advance (you can use your “donate” bar credit cards and PayPal) or use the venmo handle given in the workshop. As space allows, no one will be turned away for inability to pay for a Wednesday workshop.
Q: As soon as I registered, I realized I cannot take the class. Help!
A: If a student needs to withdraw from a class or workshop within 24 hours of registering, a refund will be given if the start date is more than a week away. If the start date of a class or workshop is less than a week away, refunds generally cannot be given.
Q: What if a class or workshop is canceled?
A: If a class or workshop is canceled by The Art Local or the instructor, refunds will be given for the canceled days.
Q: What if I register and cannot attend a one-day class or workshop?
A: For a recurring class, you are free to put that registration towards a different class. Except in rare circumstances, refunds cannot be given.
Q: What if I need to miss a class in a longer, multi-class course?
A: Generally, makeup days cannot be scheduled, but students are encouraged to check in with classmates and instructor for missed work. If an instructor needs to miss a class, and a substitute instructor is not available, a makeup day will be scheduled.
Q: Anything I should know about in-person classes?
A: Though we are fully online in 2022, by registering for classes or attending an in-person event at The Art Local, you release The Art Local from all liability, including financial responsibility, relating to injuries or illness that may occur at the studio or on-site.