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Workshop Recordings

Once in a while, we host a workshop-based Zoom, sometimes with a guest creator.

We record those events so you can play along later. 

March 9, 2022: Warm Up Exercises (A Contour Named George)
with Sarah Fagan and Renee Lai

00:00 / 28:16

0:00 Happy Two Year Anniversary to the Art Local! Sarah and Renee discuss how they will share their favorite warm up exercises today.


2:24 Sarah leads listeners through three exercises based on immediate surroundings and chance to create a drawing. 


20:16 Renee leads listeners through an exercise that involves making multiples sketches — variations on a theme — with the use of a timer. 


27:56 Thanks for listening! Did you play along? Share @theartlocalatx on instagram, or let us know at

October 13, 2021: The Extremely Short Story
with Art History PhD Candidate John Semlitsch

00:00 / 50:25

0:00 Renee and Sarah introduce guest John Semlitsch, Art History PhD Candidate, and we discuss what we’ve all been reading this fall.


9:43 Exercise One: Spend 2.5 minutes writing, stream of consciousness style, in a sketchbook or notebook. Pause when we start to play along. 


16:34 Exercise Two: Spend 2.5 minutes drawing or doodling, stream of consciousness style, on the same page as your writing. Pause when we start to play along. 


23:15 Exercise Three: What is your favorite word? Least favorite? Write them down. 


30:19 Exercise Four: Draw an abstract shape that “feels” like your favorite word, and do the same for your least favorite word. 


34:33 John reads one of his favorite short stories, “Director’s Cut,” by Etgar Keret, translated from the Hebrew by Jessica Cohen.


37:17 What makes a good short story? We discuss three elements we think are key.


43:08 Exercise Five: We attempt to write our own extremely short stories (using exactly ten words). Pause when we start to play along. Prompt: Use either your favorite word or least favorite word as inspiration for your story. 


49:23 Thanks for listening! Did you play along? Share @theartlocalatx on instagram, or let us know at

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